.mdEmail® is the only top-level domain that guarantees 100% HIPAA-compliant email communications within the member network and the entire healthcare industry. Email messages sent using .mdEmail® SendAnywhere™ feature PKI-based, S/MIME and PGP encryption, and are guaranteed to be secure from the moment you hit send until the recipient authenticates and opens the email. .mdEmail® SendAnywhere™ ensures ePHI and other sensitive information is completely protected, every time. .mdEmail® messages sent directly to other .mdEmail subscribers are already secure and require no further encryption.
The .mdEmail® security process also ensures secure emails are received and accessed by the intended recipient only. Recipients must enter a password so the .mdEmail® SendAnywhere™ email can be decrypted.
All .md data and systems are hosted by Rackspace® Security systems to provide superior physical, system and operational security standards, ensuring total peace of mind.
.md provides subscribers with the highest levels of protection in order to comply with complex industry and government regulations, allowing physicians and healthcare professionals to securely grow their business - GUARANTEED.