Secure Communication
While email has become the customary means of communication in corporate and personal environments, privacy issues and internet security risks have created barriers preventing the widespread use of email in the healthcare industry. UNTIL NOW...
A .md domain name gives subscribers exclusive access to secure email capabilities across all channels within their healthcare community. .md's exclusive patent-pending technology solves the continuous workflow problems faced by physicians and healthcare workers trying to run an efficient and cost-effective medical practice. Now they can save time by eliminating tedious phone calls and faxes, and save money by drastically reducing postage and other back office expenses - all without any costly or complex IT integration.
In addition to its extensive branding power, a .md domain name provides unprecedented secure connectivity to everyone in the healthcare community: doctors, patients, hospitals and more. Now it's possible to send and receive electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI) in a 100% secure environment. All .md subscribers instantly become part of a Secure Communication Platform connected directly via a secure pipeline. Private information and ePHI can be easily accessed and shared through email communication that complies with HIPAA technical specifications. And as the .md network grows, subscribers gain unlimited direct access to even more members of the healthcare community.